Pass on your knowledge and lead group courses

We offer three types of group courses, from weekly spelling and math courses to one-off career orientation workshops and German courses for refugees pupils. There is guaranteed to be something for you!

Group courses

These are our three types of group course offerings

A group of children look into a laptopA smiling child with painted hands

Focus courses

Would you like to support educationally disadvantaged pupils in their personal development? Throughout the year, we would like to offer important extracurricular topics and focus on different subjects: From coaching on the right learning methods, career guidance or the right way to handle money - you are sure to find a topic here that interests you and that you can get pupils excited about.

A girl stands in front of a blackboard and writes the alphabet on it with chalk

Tutoring courses

You run weekly tutoring courses for a group of pupils in a school subject of your choice - from fractions to English grammar and spelling, your skills are in demand here!

  • You choose the topic and prepare the lesson

  • You decide the time: the pupils are geared towards you

  • You meet once a week for a period of your choice

  • We prepare you for your course management with training and advice!

  • We offer you reflection sessions: you can give us direct feedback, ask questions and receive tips in an exchange with us

German courses

Would you like to help refugee children learn German? Then run a course in German as a foreign language for pupils who are just starting out! Started in 2022 as a Ukraine project, our courses are now aimed at pupils from all countries of origin at the low language levels A1, A2 and B1.

  • You decide the duration and time of the course, the year and level: pupils is geared towards you.

  • We will prepare you for your course with training and advice and provide you with all the teaching materials you need!

  • We offer you reflection sessions: you can give us direct feedback, ask questions and get tips.

Overview of group courses

With us, you can get involved in three different group courses and pass on your knowledge.

Focus courses

From lectures to social media to mental health workshops - inspire children for a topic you are passionate about!
Number of pupils
< 100
Time required per week
60 min.
Required experience
Specialist knowledge
Required training
Suitable for
Organizations, experts

Tutoring courses

Support educationally disadvantaged pupils in a subject of your choice.
Number of pupils
< 15
Time required per week
60 min.
max. 12 weeks
Required experience
Required training
Suitable for

German courses

German language, difficult language? Help refugees pupils to improve their German language skills.
Number of pupils
< 15
Time required per week
60 min.
min. 4 weeks
Required experience
Required training
Suitable for

Why should you become a helper too?

  • Making a difference

    We give you the chance to reach and inspire educationally disadvantaged pupils from all over Germany with your topic - whether it's a creative hobby, professional expertise or personal experience.

  • Simple organization

    You can sit back and relax as we take care of registering pupils and create a Zoom link for your course.

  • Certificate

    If you wish, you can receive a certificate from us for your commitment, which you can add to your CV and quote when applying for jobs.

  • Conveniently from your desk

    The big advantage of digital courses is that you can run your tutoring course from the comfort of your own home and reach pupils wherever they live.

What we have achieved so far


Mediated learning pairs

We have already placed over 17,000 learner pairs at Lern-Fair .

*Since our foundation in March 2020


Would recommend us to others

We were able to help the registered pupils in 97% of cases.

*based on 3,000 survey results


Courses offered

On average, we offer more than 10 courses per week.


What our volunteers

Person with five stars above their head.
Quotation marks
It is a great pleasure to support the students and it gives you a great feeling to know that you can help and that this help is gratefully accepted!

How you can help

Use the volunteer finder to find the program that suits you best

Answer a few questions and we'll know which offer best suits you, your experience and your schedule.
No emails, too many questions or dates. Just answers.

Our learning support

Would you prefer to give individual lessons?

In addition to our group courses, we offer 3 options for learning support. Find out more about these tutoring options here.

Learning support

Give pupils learning support. The offer is briefly explained here.
Number of pupils
Time required per week
60 min.
4 weeks
Required experience
Required training
Suitable for

Homework help

Be available for pupils spontaneously if they get stuck with their homework.
Number of pupils
Time required per week
60 min.
Required experience
Required training
Suitable for

Digital learning support training

Expand your pedagogical repertoire and exchange ideas with other volunteers !
Number of pupils
Time required per week
60 min.
Required experience
Pedagogical interest
Required training
Suitable for